Our schools
Since it was founded in 1997, the NGO Ecoles du Monde has prioritized basic education in landlocked areas as part of its Education Component, a prerequisite for the economic development of a village.
15 schools built
The association has already built 15 elementary school (10 in the Boeny region, 5 in the Sofia region), with the aim of ensuring that every child in its areas of intervention completes his or her schooling cycle, through rigorous monitoring of each school.
students enrolled
Nearly 2,500 students are currently enrolled, with a CEPE (Certificat d'Études Primaires Élémentaires) pass rate of 99%.
The association is also involved in a number of complementary activities: raising awareness among FRAM parents' associations, organizing activities for children during the vacations, and setting up correspondence between French and Madagascan schools.
La parité comme objectif
Ecoles du monde assure une éducation non discriminatoire au sein des écoles qu'elle a créées, en favorisant une représentation équilibrée des jeunes filles et garçons.
L'association maintient une attention particulière pour garantir un taux de scolarisation aussi proche que possible de la parité, avec des résultats académiques élevés pour les filles.
D'anciennes élèves occupent désormais des postes d'institutrices, illustrant les retombées positives de l'insertion professionnelle découlant des activités de l'association.
In the Boeny region, in the "earth zone", schools are located in the villages of Maromiandra, Manarenja, Maetsadava, Mangatoka, Ampampamena, Ambalakida, Tsinjorano, Ambodiadabo, Tsilakanina and Besely.
In Majunga, in the abattoir district, we rehabilitated the existing Firaisane EPP (Ecole Primaire Publique).
In the Sofia region, or "coastal zone", the schools are in Anjajavy, Antsangabe-Antanamanakana, Ambondro-Ampasy, and Marovasa.